Saturday, February 13, 2010

On Love and War..

The allies have surrounded.
The battle is won.
The war is over.
The evidence has been eradicated.
Scorched earth remains.

There is peace.


  1. i like that you have been writing a lot :)
    i like the serenity implied by destruction
    i like the resolution of annihilation into the calm of the after contained in the necessary words and denying the relentless embellishment of the english language that i so adore
    that is all :)

  2. Thanks. It feels good to be writing again. The first draft of this was very complicated and convoluted. Then it occurred to me that both love and war are petty simple in their mutually destructive capabilities.

  3. i have not kept up with your blogs. i am doing so today.

    i like the juxtaposition of war and peace. i also like the comment "both love and war are pretty simple in their mutually destructive capabilities". nice.
